Friday, September 29, 2006

cool... I wonder if freighters can catch air

KiteShip: Harnessing the Power of the Wind

September 29, 2006 01:02 PM - Collin Dunn, Seattle

We've seen the advantages of using huge sails to make freighters more
efficient before; a company called KiteShip has taken it a step
further with what they call Very Large Free Flying Sails (VLFFS) and
control systems, technology and techniques for launching, controlling
and recovering these sails aboard not only commercial vessels, but
pleasure and racing yachts and even aerospace applications. Self-
described as a "group of forward-thinking sailors, designers and
visionaries," KiteShip has been harnessing the power of the wind for
three decades. Their portfolio includes sails designed for freighter
retrofits (like the kind we saw from Sky Sails); they also offer bi-
directional kite boards and rule-legal spinnaker replacement kites
for racing yachts (wind power can be fun, too) and have even been
working on programs to explore the surface of Mars, the atmospheres
of the gas giants and Earth's own stratosphere. We won't go into all
the details of these far-out ideas; to learn more, read up on them
here. At least on the water, we think these sails might be the "wave"
of the future. ::KiteShip via ::Gristmill

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