Tuesday, May 15, 2007

useless but cool

Personally is your bookends require attention, your doing something wrong.

Glass fishbowl bookends

Here we have an accident waiting to happen.

Now I don't know about you, but I've had bookends that have been rather unsuccessful in performing their one and only duty on a shelf. Forgive my overgeneralization here, but I'm quite certain that when bookends fail, they really fail. Because not only are they flipped on their sides by the cumulative weight of books that topple like dominoes when forced to stand upright on their own (lazy!), but they also usually shove all the adjacent knick-knacks on display off of the shelf and onto the floor.

This is already a sad sight to come home to when those cheap metal bookends are involved, so can you imagine the horror if these Glass FishBowl Bookends were thrown into the mix? The sewer system would be clogged with goldfish.

Available now in small (6.25") and large (9") sizes for $29 and $39, respectively.

Via Nerd Approved.


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