Friday, August 19, 2005

Flying indoors

I feel that these should be so easy to recreate on the cheap.... except for the software but what the hell do I know....

this one came out first and was reviewed in MIT Technology review (a good magazine but a bit boringly written at times):
Here is the engadget blurb: and then the home page:
Basically it is a super light plane made to fly in tight spaces (small rooms, caves, forests) that uses two cameras and some intelligent software to avoid collisions all on its own.... course altitude is still controlled via joystick but left/right turns are onboard self controlled.

next up is a completely remote controlled super light plane that is WAY too expensive for what it is..... but you get a cool retro geekspy hard case with it:
again engadget first: Hoem page second:
now it would be REALLY cool is the whole thing was POWERED by radio signals a-la RFID though i am not certain you can do that without pumping out enough RF to fry your house....

Anyway, there HAVE to be some home brew tiny remote controlled planes out there that are slightly larger/heavier but way cheaper.

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