Friday, September 02, 2005

Why is the government fumbling the Katrina relief efforts?

I don't get it? The US Army and Navy have done rescue operations
under heavy enemy fire, they have delivered aide on the other side of
the world inside of 48 hours of unfortunate events. I understand
that events were not well understood when the relief effort in New
Orleans started, but by this point in time a large number of military
police should be onsite, a temporary airfield and bus depot should
have been created, nearby army bases converted to refugee stations,
and those people should have been rescued. One of my friends said
'what about those who are shooting at the rescuers?' The answer is
simple, shoot back. Firing upon US officials, whether they be
police, MPs, or volunteer rescue workers, is highly illegal. The MPs
should be returning fire and arresting or, in a worst case scenario,
killing those who are trying to kill them.
The US government will put our sons, daughter, fathers, mothers and
siblings in harms way to protect our oil interests in the mideast,
but gets scared off by small arms fire in the US when we really need
them. An overwhelming force, whatever the monetary cost, is needed
to fix the mess we created in New Orleans. Yes, I said we created
the mess, mostly by waiting until now to evacuate the city.
I can go on and on, in a long tirade, but I think it is not needed
and not helpful.

If you agree with me that a larger more immediate response is needed,
contact your senator. If you agree with me that while its nice that
the government wants to look into price gouging at the gas station,
first they need to rescue those people and find out why they were not
rescued earlier, then contact your senator AND the office of the
president. Let them know you care, let them know you demand that
they care too.

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