Friday, September 02, 2005

Katrina Relief Funds

In the past few years I have become less and less enamored with the
Red Cross. I gave money to them during 9/11 only to discover that
they did not use it for 9/11 as they said they would. I also have no
love for the Salvation Army. WHile the SA does excellent work, they
are far to religious in their doctrine to suit me. If you are
Christian and religious, the Salvation Army is a VERY worthwhile
cause, if you don't believe in preaching to those you are
helping,then you should consider other places to send your money. I
found that FEMA (a government department that deals with disaster
relief and repair) has a list of what they consider trusted charities
that are sending relief to those hurt by Katrina. That list is here:
I personally like 'Feed The Children' whose donation page is here:
Please give to which ever charity you think will do the best work
with your money.

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