Friday, March 09, 2007

not so certain i like this - coffee

JavaVoo Micro-Brew Espresso I once had one of those small home Espresso machines. I used it maybe twice, with great fanfare and a lot of mess. During my last move, I dumped it on the curb along with a few other items I bought with the best of intentions, like the butt-and-ab exerciser I ordered from an infomercial in one of my delirious fits of sleeplessness. Now, I'm all about minimalism, both in my kitchen and my exercise routine (meaning I don't cook and I don't exercise). I go out for good food and good coffee, though as I grow more hermit-like in my ways, I wish good food and good coffee would come to me instead. I like the idea of the JavaVoo Micro-Brew Personal Barista, a self-contained microwaveable Espresso and Latte maker. The company uses a patented technology that pressure brews a single serving of coffee in two minutes in your microwave. A cup of JavaVoo comes with everything you need -- water, coffee in a variety of flavors, even cream and sugar -- and it's organic. I haven't seen this yet in any stores around here, but I'll be looking for it. Via OhGizmo!.

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