Tuesday, March 15, 2005

post hiatus post

Hiatus over with.
am back at work and back at blogging on my lunch hour.

The Holocaust Museum in Israel has been re-opened and re-dedicated.

The New York Times (free reg, how annoying) has an article on how people deal with life's little annoyances. Its ok as far as it goes, but there is far better on the web if you look for it.

The Science that wouldn't die! Table top sonoluminescence with heavy water is in the news again. In the past it was there because two scientists who forgot to check each other's work while collaborating claimed to have made cold fusion in a bottle. They were wrong. Now other scientists are saying that while those two were wrong, they have now been able to create plasma, a starting point of sorts, using similar methods.

The great flu pandemic of 1918 killed 2 percent of the people who got sick..... The current H5N1 bird flu, that has mutated to pass human to human, has a detah rate of 67 percent. Only hemherhagic fevers surpass it in deadliness (except for rabies which if not caught in time is about 99% deadly, but because it can be caught early, treated cases have very good prognosis). In truth H5N1 may not be that bad as many minor or non-symptomatic cases go unreported.

More on green tea being good against cancer.

ENVIRONMENT (you knew it was coming)
When in doubt, blame anyone but yourself.

Water crisis looming. The item behind the crisis is the disapeering glaciers in the himalayas. Lets not mention those on other continents. (check out the photos of kilimanjaro, freaky).

A long time ago i read about some technology and I decided that if you combined it you would have a KICK-ASS laptop. One of them is back in the news: Millipede, and here too. The other technologies were the magnetic memory (nonvolatile, as fast or faster than regular ram, cheap, small... basically replace your ram and hard drive with it, giving you instant-on for a laptop) and the E-Paper full color display from E-ink which is reflective (no backlight needed) light weight and pulls very little power. These three items give you a light weight laptop, with little power draw, instant on, huge storage and long battery life. In five years everything will be ready...... too bad I won't be able to cash in on the idea.

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