Wednesday, February 14, 2007

NOW THIS, this is smart advertising!

When you read the following blurb I want you to thnk about all the other automated systems that allow for general public involvement.....
How long before someone figures out that putting F***Head in the name field will pop-up a message for the guy who cut him off (if you don't see the pic, it has the message 'Motor on Jim')?  How about the hacker who stands nearby and grabs the data that the rfid tag has, figures out which parts are needed for the sign to identify it as part of the system, and creates his own tag that makes the sign print out anti-bush slogans.  Better yet, he then hides said tag within range but out of sight..... 

so yeah, interactive automated unfiltered advertising is a GOOD idea!

MINI Motorby Billboard by Tim Yu

MINI of BMW is using advanced technology to communicate directly with drivers through talking billboards called MINI Motorby. Instead of seeing billboards with the same mind-numbing casino ad, these boards feature a changing array of unique, personal and unexpected messages which are triggered by the MINI owner utilizing Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID)—the same kind used in passports and credit cards. The billboards generate customized content to owners carrying active RFID tags in real-time, using information provided by the owners. Messages will be spelled out in lights on billboards in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Miami locations.

Future locations can be found at MINI.

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